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1. Hope for the People
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Hope for the People

Take the Westfall Stew to Hope Saldean at Sentinel Hill.
Westfall Stew
Provided Item:
Westfall Stew


About four years ago, in the dead of the night, a little girl walked right into our farmhouse and collapsed on the floor. Nobody had a clue as to her identity. The poor little thing had no recollection of who she was or where she came from - truly a lost soul.

Soon after, we adopted the little girl and named her Hope - for that is what she represented.

She is now a young lady, caring for the destitute and homeless of Westfall. Take my Westfall stew to her at Sentinel Hill, south of here.


Good day sir. How may I serve you?


I smell Westfall stew! Mother sent you!?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 441.89852700491 experience (1620at max. level)


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