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Purge the Valley

Defeat 12 Northwatch troops in Northwatch Foothold.
Northwatch Troop slain (12)


Northwatch is a highly-defended stronghold southwest of here, across the harbor. It's a strategically-located stronghold that the Horde still struggles to overtake. We don't need the humans setting up another Northwatch here in Durotar.

Sweep through the valley to the west and slay these humans, <name>. Let them know the power and the fury of Sen'jin.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sen'jin Staff
Sen'Jin Bow
Also, you get:125


Slay them all.


A battle well-fought, <class>, but I still have my doubts about our effectiveness. These humans don't seem to be going anywhere.

You, however, have done more than could reasonably be asked of any loyal member of the Horde. Thank you.


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