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Breaking the Chain

Destroy 3 Northwatch Supply Crates and kill 10 Northwatch Lugs.
Northwatch Supply Crates destroyed (3)
Northwatch Lug slain (10)


Aw man, this ain't good. Not one bit, mon.

Thrall's off to sea, Vol'jin's taking care of business in Echo Isles, and old Master Gadrin is left behind to take care of Sen'jin. And then what happens? Those humans come outta Northwatch Hold and set up camp in our backyard!

Lucky for us, they just got here, and they're still setting up their base. You can help out old Gadrin by destroying those big supply crates they carry, and by killing the laborers carryin' them. You'll find'm to the southwest.


Also, you get:125


We gotta get rid of these humans, <class>.


Well, we've stymied their efforts for now, but they're still here. We'll have to press on, <name>.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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