Fueling the Demolishers
Siege Master Stouthandle at Wintergrasp Fortress wants you to retrieve 10 Eternal Embers from Horde players at the Cauldron of Flames.Eternal Ember (10) |
<name>! About time you showed up. While the battle may be over, we still need to prepare for the next battle. Travel to the Cauldron of Flames in south eastern Wintergrasp and retrieve several eternal embers.The embers are mixed in with coal to fuel the Demolisher and Siege Engines.
Oh, and if you happen to see some of the Horde in the Cauldron, don't hesitate to slay them and take their embers. We can't let them have the advantage in the next battle.
Also, you get:74024 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 | Honor Points |
Well? Did you manage to find the embers or did the Horde beat you to it and leave you crying?Completion
Excellent! This will help fuel the flames of war for days to come.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 22050 experience (1323at max. level)