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  • Level: 20
  • Requires level: 20
  • Type: Dungeon
  • Side: Both
  • Class: Paladin
  • Sharable
4. The Test of Righteousness
Open Quests
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The Test of Righteousness

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Speak to Jordan Stilwell in Ironforge


Actually, I have no doubt that Jordan himself would like to thank you, and seeing as I need a messenger to send word that his wife is safe, I think you'd be a perfect choice.

Jordan was to be a paladin of the Light before his dedication to his father's craft took him on another path--he's intimately familiar with our way of life and is considered among our most faithful.

He should still be in Ironforge--he likes to work outside the gates during the day, something about the cool mountain air.


Good day, <name>. The Light is with you, I trust?

What's that? You were sent by Duthorian!? My wife, how is she? I knew there was going to be trouble if I left. Please tell me she's... oh, thank goodness. I'm so glad that she's safe. The Defias were a threat long before these attacks, but now the King's advisors cannot deny it.

What else did Duthorian have to say?

You're the one that was sent to protect my wife? Then I thank you again, <name>. I couldn't think of a better test of valor than that.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 775 experience (4650at max. level)



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