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Quick Facts
  • Level: 20
  • Requires level: 20
  • Side: Both
  • Class: Paladin
  • Sharable
3. The Tome of Valor
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The Tome of Valor

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Speak to Duthorian Rall in Stormwind.


Please, return to Duthorian and let him know that I'm safe for now. I have you and the Church to thank for that.

He'll send word to Ironforge to let my Jordan know that he has nothing to fear.

Oh, how I miss my husband. I can't wait till he returns.


You will receive:
Bastion of Stormwind
You will learn:
Sense Undead


So, we meet again, <name>, and you are in high spirits, I see.

The Stilwell home will be safe for another day, and from your story I see that there was no shortage of danger to be found. Well done.

Daphne and Jordan have helped the Church greatly, and having you protect their property--and their very lives--was the least we could do for them.

For your valor, you will be rewarded.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1950 experience (117at max. level)



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