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Quick Facts
  • Level: 74
  • Requires level: 71
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Vol'jin
  • End: Thrall
4. The Battle For The Undercity
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The Battle For The Undercity

This quest was marked obsolete and cannot be obtained or completed.

Assist Thrall and Sylvanas in retaking the Undercity for the Horde.

Report to Thrall should you succeed.


The entirety of the Undercity is controlled by Varimathras. Our soldiers stand ready, waiting for the Warchief to give the attack orders.

Help the Horde take back the Undercity and earn your place among our greatest champions! Should you survive the assault, report to Thrall.

Check in with the Warchief when you are ready to begin.


You can choose one of these awards:
Warchief's Leggings of Wisdom
Warchief's Legguards of Heroism
Warchief's Leggings of Valor
Warchief's Legplates of Carnage
Warchief's Leggings of Foresight
Warchief's Legguards of Brutality
You will receive:
Medallion of Heroism
The following spell will be cast on you:
Return to Orgrimmar


Tomorrow brings with it uncertainty. Gone are the days of Alliance and Horde battling alongside each other in pursuit of a common enemy. A new battle dawns, <name> - a battle in which there can be no victor.

But we must continue our march towards Icecrown. We have no choice in that matter. Our salvation lies with heroes like you, <name>. The future of the Horde - of the world - depends on you.

Let us return to Orgrimmar. You must return to Northrend at once.


Upon completion of quests, get:



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