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Quick Facts
  • Level: 74
  • Requires level: 72
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Thrall
  • End: Vol'jin
3. A Life Without Regret
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A Life Without Regret

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Take the portal to Undercity located in Grommash Hold and report to Vol'jin.


On the day of my death I wish to be able to say that I lived a life without regret. Those who mourn my passing will know that I was a Warchief who made decisions that best served his people.

But this betrayal by Varimathras and Putress... All that we have worked for is for nothing.

<Thrall's chest heaves with a heavy sigh.>

Justice must be served.

Portals to Undercity will be active momentarily. Vol'jin will be waiting for you. I will meet you there soon. Together we will make it right, <name>.


Let me get you up to speed, <name>.

Undercity is a war-zone. Putress' apothecaries and Varimathras' demons have seized control. They've taken a defensive position inside and are using that damned blight against our troops.


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