Victory in Wintergrasp
Win a Wintergrasp battleground match and return to Tactical Officer Abrahmis in Wintergrasp. You must have participated in the battle to be credited for the victory.Victory in Lake Wintergrasp |
Commander Zanneth might be satisfied with a pile of Horde corpses at his feet, but controlling Wintergrasp is of the utmost importance to the Valiance Expedition. Make sure it remains in our control.However, don't think we'll just let you stand around while your allies do your dirty work for you. If you're not at least a second level recruit by the end of the battle, don't come back.
Also, you get:74024 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 24 | Honor Points |
Do you bring word of victory?Completion
Just what I wanted to hear! A victory in Lake Wintergrasp - even a temporary one - is crucial to our overall strategy against the Horde.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 22050 experience (1323at max. level)