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Necklace Repair

Repair the necklace with a single Chalcedony and return it to Timothy Jones in at the Jewelcrafters Shop in the Magus Commerce Exchange in Dalaran.
Beautiful Chalcedony Necklace
Provided Item:
Damaged Necklace


This damaged necklace has an invoice with it that reads "Property of Timothy Jones - Cartier and Co Fine Jewelry - Magus Commerce Exhange - Dalaran".

Perhaps you should repair it and return it to him.


Also, you get:15
Dalaran Jewelcrafter's Token


What brings you here?


How did you find this! Many of these necklaces were looted from one of my shipments a few weeks ago! Let me repay you with this Jewelcrafter's Token.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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