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2. Buying Some Time
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Buying Some Time

Thassarian at the Wailing Ziggurat in Borean Tundra wants you to inflict 20 casualties against the Scourge inside the Temple City of En'kilah. Use Lurid's Bones if you need assistance.
En'kilah Casualty (20)
Provided Item:
Lurid's Bones


Now that we have this phylactery, I shouldn't have any problems getting the information I need. It won't take long for the Scourge in the Temple City to notice something's up, however.

I won't be able to fend off a full scale attack here. Or maybe I would... but I'd rather not find out.

I want you to head down there and inflict some casualties. Hopefully they'll be distracted long enough for these two to spill their guts... figuratively, of course. Take Lurid with you, he might be of aid.


You can choose one of these awards:
Dusk Watcher's Belt
Shadewrap Gloves
Tundrastrider Boots
Death Knight's Anguish


Is it done?


That should buy us some time. Isidorus has been cooperative, but I really needed that alone time with the lich.


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