Load'er Up!
Help Jenny make her way from the crash site to Fezzix Geartwist at Taunka'le Village without losing all her cargo.Return Jenny to safety without losing cargo |
Jenny's Whistle |
Have you seen the flying machines buzzing around? That's gnomish innovation at its finest.I've long waited to get my hands on some of their technology and a perfect opportunity has presented itself. One of their recon wings crashed in the Scalding Pools, in the southwest part of the Geyser Fields.
Blow this whistle near one of the crashed machines and my trusty mule, Jenny will answer. She'll follow you and carry the salvage, but you must keep her safe. She'll begin to drop the cargo if attacked.
Also, you get:470Progress
Don't fail! I'm counting on you.Completion
<Fezzix looks over the salvage.>Jenny's a little roughed up, but she'll be fine. As for the salvage, it's a bit more... piecemeal than I had hoped, but I should be able to find a use for it. You're not off the hook yet, though. We're going to rebuild this baby.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20100 experience (126at max. level)
Be kell vinni a városba a kunyhó mellett álldogáló goblinhoz, és elé kell menni, néha csak akkor adja meg a küldit, ha túlmentek rajta, a lényeg hogy a szamár a szeme előtt legyen.