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4. Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph D
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Emergency Protocol: Section 8.2, Paragraph D

Iggy "Tailspin" Cogtoggle wants you to scuttle the Eastern Wreck, a Southern Wreck, and a Northwestern Wreck.
Scuttle the Eastern Wreck
Scuttle a Southern Wreck
Scuttle a Northwestern Wreck
Emergency Torch
Provided Item:
Emergency Torch


There's only one more thing left to do before I can finally return to the airstrip and make my report. Section 8.2, paragraph D of the emergency protocol requires me to scuttle as much of the wreckage as possible, in order to prevent our technology from falling into enemy hands.

I'll give you my torch if you agree to help me complete this last duty. I don't want to think about what the Horde's goblin allies will do if these machines fall into their hands.


Also, you get:470


Have you scuttled the wreckage yet?


Once again, you have my thanks, <name>. Without you, I would not have been able to recover anything useful from this disaster.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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