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2. Master and Servant
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Master and Servant

Use the Ultrasonic Screwdriver to reprogram 15 robots and then return to Crafty Wobblesprocket at Fizzcrank Airstrip.

Make sure to loot the dead robot before you reprogram it.
Robots reprogrammed (15)
The Ultrasonic Screwdriver
Provided Item:
The Ultrasonic Screwdriver


The Ultrasonic Screwdriver is the ultimate tool. It can do anything to mechanical stuff!

Head back into the pools and dismantle a number of Mechazod's robots. Then all you have to do is use the screwdriver on their remains, and I'm betting that they'll turn to our side, for a short time anyway.

I'm pretty sure it won't work on the mechagnomes, so don't even bother with them.

Oh, and if you want to take anything from the robot's insides, you'll want to do so before using the screwdriver!


You can choose one of these awards:
Layered Frost Robes
Reinforced Caribou-Hide Helm
Spiked Magmoth Mantle
Amberplate Legguards
Also, you get:940


How many robots have you managed to reprogram?


Woo hoo! And you brought back the screwdriver intact, too!

Reprogramming those robots is going to turn out to be a huge advantage in our favor in the fight against Gearmaster Mechazod. I think you've earned a little something for that.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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