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3. Coward Delivery... Under 30 Minutes or it's Free
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Coward Delivery... Under 30 Minutes or it's Free

Take the Alliance Deserter to the crossroads east of Warsong Hold and fire your Warsong Flare Gun to signal the Alliance.

Report to Scout Tungok once you have successfully delivered the Alliance Deserter to their destination.
Alliance Deserter Delivered
Provided Item:
Warsong Flare Gun


We're seeing more deserters show up at our gates with each passing day. We simply do not have enough room to keep all of these maggots caged up. Especially not if we want to keep the pigs happy.

<Nork snorts as he laughs.>

I want you to escort one of these cowards to the crossroads east of here and fire this flare gun. One of their captains will show up when they see the flare and take the coward off your hands.

Report to Scout Tungok on the east road once the delivery has been made.


<Tungok grunts.>

Did you take care of the deserter?


Good job, <name>. That's one less filthy, useless, Alliance scum-bag that we'll have to provide for...

If you're lookin' for more work, the tauren and blood elf nearby need some help.

'Course we've got our own set of problems to deal with out here as well...


Upon completion of quests, get:


Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By Czibu on 2015/09/27 (Patch 4.3.4)
A disznós előtt veszed fel. Kapsz egy kísérőt. Ki kell vinni a kereszteződéshez 30 perc alatt. (gyalog, lovon, NEM repülve).

Elnyomod a kapott cuccot, és kész.

A Küldetés neve egy Pizzéria reklámra utal (Domino's Pizza). Ha 30 percnél tovább tart a kiszállítás, a pizza ingyen van.


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