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Back to the Airstrip

Speak with Fizzcrank Fullthrottle at Fizzcrank Airstrip in Borean Tundra.


Okay, I think I'm going to start making my way back to the airstrip, too. Of course, I'm moving a little slower with this leg injury.

Say, do you think you could get there ahead of me and pass on the good news to Ol' Fizzcrank? I bet anything that there'll be a reward in it for you.

Thanks, <name>!


You can choose one of these awards:
Shivering Healer's Ring
Reinforced Caribou-Hide Boots
Spiked Magmoth Chestpiece
Amberplate Headguard
Hypergizmatic Energy Booster
Also, you get:940


That's quite a tale, <name>. With all of the problems out here, it's a wonder that the airstrip hasn't been wiped out already.

But, thanks to you, there's one less adversary to worry about.

I put aside some special things for just such an occasion as this. Why don't you take your pick?


Upon completion of quests, get:


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