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Might As Well Wipe Out the Scourge

Destroy 20 Scourge of any type at Talramas and the Festering Pools. Then, return to Bixie Wrenchshanker just to the south of The Dens of the Dying.
Talramas Scourge Destroyed (20)


If the cultists up in those caves survived the crash, then that fallen necropolis to the west can only be assumed to still be filled with Scourge. There're probably lots of them out in front of it in the pools, too!

While you're at Talramas, <class>, do you think you could dispatch all of the Lich King's flunkies that you find there?


You can choose one of these awards:
Layered Frost Sandals
Vial of Renewal
Reinforced Caribou-Hide Chestguard
Amberplate Waistguard
Also, you get:470


There's no way that you could have killed so many Scourge in such a short time!


Thanks, <name>.

The Lich King and his Scourge are really scary, but we can't stop until they are all lying still in new graves!


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