Check in With Bixie
Mordle Cogspinner has asked you to find Bixie Wrenchshanker to the south of The Dens of Dying.Description
You're a proven hero . I have another problem!My boss, Tinky, went east with Bixie Wrenchshanker and I CAN'T get the outgoing on this thing to work! Tinky's the only one that can fix it and we really need it working one-hundred percent.
You think you could find them? Bixie said something about following some old magnataur to a place called The Dens of Dying.
I'm guessing that's where you'll find them.
You can catch a ride out there by talking with Kara Thricestar at the runway.
What do you need, <class>?Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 2000 experience (120at max. level)
- 10 Reputation withValiance Expedition