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3. Return with the Bad News
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Return with the Bad News

Speak with Greatmother Taiga at Taunka'le Village.


The greatmother will need to know, <name>.

Will you please return to Taunka'le? Tell her that I will be following shortly.


You can choose one of these awards:
Shivering Healer's Ring
Reinforced Caribou-Hide Boots
Spiked Magmoth Chestpiece
Amberplate Headguard
Greatmother's Talisman of Cleansing
Also, you get:940


What word do you bring from Highmesa?

<You explain what you know and give the greatmother the bad news concerning Longrunner Bristlehorn.>

My... my grandson!

<The greatmother fights to keep control of her emotions.>

He died an honorable death like a true taunka!

You were the last to be with him, <name>, so he shall always be a part of you. I give you my thanks for completing his last wishes.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 25150 experience (159at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withThe Taunka


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