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It Was The Orcs, Honest!

While disguised as a Warsong orc, plant the Warsong Banner in the corpse of Magmothregar. Then, return with the disguise to Crafty Wobblesprocket at Fizzcrank Airstrip.
Warsong Banner Planted in Magmothregar
Warsong Orc Disguise
Provided Item:
Crafty's Sack


With all of those outfits you, er, recovered, I fashioned a Warsong orc disguise. I had the genius idea of combining it with some old stuff that I had left hanging around from last Hallows' End, so it should be foolproof!

Here, in this sack is the disguise and the banner you recovered. Head down into the bowels of Magmoth and slay the magnataur chieftain, Magmothregar.

If you're going to convince them to turn their attention on the Warsong orcs, you'll need to plant the banner while disguised.


You can choose one of these awards:
Hungering Greatstaff
Shivering Healer's Cloak
Jagged Icefist
Frostspeaker Collar
Also, you get:10


It's all over then? You've done the dirty deed and framed the orcs at Bor'gorok Outpost?


Holey moley, you did it!

Alright, now those pesky magnataur and their snobold flunkies should turn their attentions on the Horde.

How can I ever repay you, <name>?


Upon completion of quests, get:


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