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Escaping the Mist

Follow Mootoo the Younger out of the mist. Speak to Elder Mootoo should you successfully save Mootoo the Younger.
Mootoo Saved


I can hear the mist creatures outside. Their yells are driving me mad, but I dare not try to escape. And where would I even go? How long would it be until they caught up with me and executed me like the others?

I wonder, how far has the mist crept, stranger? Has it overtaken this whole continent?

Would you be willing to help me try and escape the mist? I think I can lead us back toward my father. I still sense his life spirit. He is close.


You can choose one of these awards:
Transborean Wraps
Floodplain Shoulderpads
Westrift Wristguards
Condor-Bone Star


It is whispered in the winds, friend. Your name is known to the elements. You have done a great service to Mootoo on this day and you shall be rewarded.


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