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1. Horn of the Ancient Mariner
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Horn of the Ancient Mariner

Waltor of Pal'ea at the Coast of Echoes in the Borean Tundra wants you to bring him the Horn of the Ancient Mariner.
Horn of the Ancient Mariner


A Kvaldir lieutenant known as Orabus directed the initial incursion against my people at Pal'ea, He oversaw the destruction of both villages and then disappeared into the mist.

In those early days there was talk of a horn that Orabus gifted to the Kvaldir mistweavers. This horn could be used to summon him should the need arise.

We need to get that horn from the Kvaldir mistweavers and call forth Orabus. If he is destroyed, these savages might retreat.

Seek out mistweavers at Pal'ea, to the south.


Find the Horn of the Ancient Mariner!


You must call for Orabus using the Horn of the Ancient Mariner.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Kalu'ak


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