Return My Remains
Deliver Farseer Grimwalker's Remains, which are resting below his spirit, to Spirit Talker Snarlfang at Bor'gorok Outpost.Farseer Grimwalker's Remains |
<name>, now that my spirit has been freed would you do me the honor of returning my remains to Spirit Talker Snarlfang? They lay upon the ground beneath me.I sense that the spirit talker is still at Bor'gorok Outpost to the west where last I saw her.
You can choose one of these awards:Lost Marksman's Rifle | Dry Earth Circle | Idol of the Plainstalker | Libram of Furious Blows | Totem of the Tundra | Branch of Everlasting Flame |
You return sooner than I expected. What did you learn?Completion
Thank you for freeing his spirit from Kaganishu and returning with his remains. We have little to reward you with, but you may take whatever catches your eye.And now, I will return him to the living where he belongs.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 25150 experience (159at max. level)
- 350 Reputation withWarsong Offensive