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2. Bury Those Cockroaches!
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Bury Those Cockroaches!

Quartermaster Holgoth at Warsong Hold wants you to use the Seaforium Depth Charge Bundle to destroy the Nerub'ar sinkholes to the south, east, west and north of Warsong Hold.
South Nerub'ar Sinkhole Destroyed
East Nerub'ar Sinkhole Destroyed
West Nerub'ar Sinkhole Destroyed
Nerub'ar Sinkhole (North) slain
Seaforium Depth Charge Bundle
Provided Item:
Seaforium Depth Charge Bundle


North, south, east and west. Those are the locations that you should be concerned about. Surrounding this fortress, within Mightstone Quarry, are four perfectly situated Nerub'ar sinkholes.

<Holgoth hands you a bundle.>

Be very careful with that package, <name>. Mishandle it and you'll be dog meat.

Inside the bundle are seaforium depth charges. Get to each of those Nerub'ar sinkholes and plant a depth charge at their center point. If all goes well, the tunnels will collapse.

Get a move on!


You can choose one of these awards:
Marshwalker Legguards
Tundrastrider Coif
Mightstone Breastplate
Warsong's Wrath




That'll stop 'em - at least I think it'll stop 'em. Either way, you've done your part. That's all an orc can ask for, no?


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