In Wine, Truth
Salvage a bottle of Kul Tiras Wine from the underwater shipwreck northeast of Valiance Keep and bring it to Old Man Colburn in the Valiance Keep inn.Kul Tiras Wine |
The military was all that old man Colburn had. After he retired, he still clung to it like a lifeline.He knows the name of every general, unit, brigade, detachment... you name it. He's the man you need.
Problem is, his mind is scarred. He won't talk to anyone unless he gets his Kul Tiras wine. Takes him back to the times he was a marine.
I haven't received a shipment in months. The last merchant ship out of Kul Tiras sunk northeast of here. See if you can salvage a bottle to bring Colburn.
You will receive:Caraway Burnwine |
<The old man looks up at you with a blank look on his face.>Completion
Mmmmm... not too bitter... not too dry... it's just like the old days, with the lads at the barracks.Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 15100 experience (96at max. level)
- 150 Reputation withValiance Expedition