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2. Taking Back Mightstone Quarry
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Taking Back Mightstone Quarry

Overlord Razgor at Warsong Hold wants you to kill 15 Nerub'ar Nerubians.
Nerub'ar slain (15)


While Warsong is protected by 10 feet of steel and stone on all sides, this quarry is soft and primed for attacks by the Nerubians.

<Razgor points west.>

Beyond this quarry stand thousands of Scourge, awaiting orders to attack. Should the Nerubians take down our inner defenses, we will be overrun by the undead legions of Arthas.

We can't let that happen - which is why you're going on the offensive and slaughtering the Nerubians in the quarry.

Blood and thunder, soldier! Take 'em both with you.


We didn't build on the Nerubian tunnel system, those monsters tunneled to us!


You've slowed them down, but more are sure to join the fight. Were you able to locate any of their egg sacs while in the quarry?


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