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3. The Jig is Up
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The Jig is Up

Annie Bonn at Scalawag Point wants you to bring her Jonah Sterling's Spyglass.
Jonah Sterling's Spyglass


I know why you're here, <name>. You've been sent to kill our leader, Jonah Sterling.

I'd like to offer my help. Jonah's leadership threatens our operation.

Attacking the Horde and the Alliance fleets simultaneously? Suicidal. Trying to sell the tuskarr as slaves when they die days after leaving this climate? Disastrous.

Jonah's hideout is located inside a cave west of here. Bring me his spyglass as proof of the deed and my first action as leader will be to end all attacks against your allies.


You can choose one of these awards:
Sailor's Knotted Charm
First Mate's Pocketwatch
Strike of the Seas


Well, <name>. Did you get Jonah's spyglass?

I can't just take your word for the assassination, you know? I am a pirate after all.


Jonah Sterling's days are finally over! He never thought this "wench" would make it.

As word of Jonah's death spreads among the pirates I will consolidate my leadership. Your allies won't get any more trouble from my crew, <name>.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 25150 experience (159at max. level)


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