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  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 69
  • Side: Both
  • Start: Taruk
  • End: Taruk
  • Sharable
3. Dead Man's Debt
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Dead Man's Debt

Taruk at Scalawag Point wants you to search for Black Conrad's Treasure on the plateau in the northeastern end of the Isle of Spears, just north of Iskaal.
Black Conrad's Treasure


You might've heard of Black Conrad, he's a famous pirate around these parts.

Well, he had a thing for gambling on my fights. He had a thing for not paying, too.

I'd love to collect, but trouble is... he's dead.

I was about ready to write the whole thing off, when I came across this...

<Taruk unfolds a map of the Isle of Spears with an X on a northeastern plateau.>

He hid his treasure on tuskarr land. I want you to get it. I'll be damned if I let that bilge sucker get away without paying.


You will receive:
Black Conrad's Treasure


Did you find the treasure, <name>?


I'll take the gold, as it is what Conrad owed me. The rest is for you to keep.

If you're ever in need of something more permanent, I'm sure I could arrange for something. In the meantime, may the wind blow strong in your sail, friend.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 25150 experience (159at max. level)


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