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1. Trust is Earned
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Trust is Earned

Hidalgo at the Explorers' League Outpost in the Howling Fjord wants you to find a Fjord Grub and feed it to one of the falcons in the cage by his feet.
Fjord Rock Falcon Fed


The first and most important factor in falconry is the bond between the falconer and his bird. Trust must be earned by the master!

<Hidalgo points to the falcons in the cage at his feet.>

If you are to earn their trust you will first need to fill their bellies.

The fjord rock falcon, as these birds are known, primarily eat grubs. Throughout the fjord you will find loose rocks that serve as breeding grounds for these grubs. Find a grub and return here to feed the falcons in the cage.


This is an important exercise, <name>. If you are to become a falconer you must learn how to feed your bird.


Yes, <name>. I can see the bond of companionship forming. She has accepted you as master.


Upon completion of quests, get:


Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/09/24 (Patch 4.3.4)
Bugos, nem jelenik meg a fogaskerék ezért a tárgyat se lehet kivenni a kőből.


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