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Quick Facts
  • Level: 71
  • Requires level: 69
  • Side: Alliance
  • Start: Ulfang
  • End: Ulfang
  • Sharable
3. Brother Betrayers
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Brother Betrayers

Ulfang has asked you to kill the traitorous worgs, Bjomolf and Varg. Return to him in disguise in the Rivenwood after you have done so.

If you somehow lose the Worg Disguise, return to Watcher Moonleaf for a replacement.
Bjomolf slain
Varg slain


Watcher Moonleaf is from my dreams! If you are her friend, you are mine.

I was alpha male until the last full moon. Then the strange white worg, Garwal, came from the north, and with the help of my once-brothers, he quickly became alpha worg. There is something unnatural about him.

To help, you must first kill those who betrayed me.

Bjomolf hunts to the northwest of a place called Steel Gate. And look for Varg to the southeast, near the West Spear Tower.

They will not be fooled by your form.


<A low growl rises from Ulfang's throat.>

Bjomolf and Varg are not dead!


The smell of their blood upon your muzzle pleases me. Brothers should not turn on each other.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)



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