The One That Got Away
Christopher Sloan at Fort Wildervar wants you to defeat Frostfin.Frostfin slain |
Fresh Barbfish Bait |
The barbfish you brought should work well as bait for most fish, but I fear it'll attract a monster!When I first arrived, I put some of Nat Pagle's favorite bait on my hook and cast it into the water. A huge monster latched on, with giant teeth and icicles hanging from its fins!
Would've pulled me into those icy waters if I hadn't cut the line! I can't use the new bait until ol' Frostfin's been dealt with. Use this bait near the sunken boat in the middle of the lake. He won't be able to resist!
Also, you get:470Progress
I'm itching to try out the new bait.Have you had any luck with Frostfin?
At last, we can finally fish in peace! 'Course, by the time we catch anything, the expedition'll arrive and claim it all for themselves.You have our thanks, <name>. Don't be a stranger 'round here.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20100 experience (126at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withValiance Expedition