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Everything Must Be Ready

Speak with Gil Grisert at Fort Wildervar.


When the expeditionary force moves north, Captain Adams expects everything to be ready at Fort Wildervar. The scouts and craftsmen there have been tasked with preparing the gear and rations for our men for the climb into the hills.

The captain's famous for his temper, so I want to send someone ahead to check on the preparations. Fort Wildervar is far to the northeast, beyond Skorn, up in the snow-covered areas near the border with Grizzly Hills. Find Gil Grisert there and make sure he is prepared.


Also, you get:44


So the quartermaster sent you?

<Gil seems relieved.>

To be honest, we're running a bit behind here and we're going to need some help making our goals.

<Gil shudders.>

None of the men want to brave the wrath of Captain Adams.


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