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2. The Lodestone
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The Lodestone

Sage Edan at Camp Winterhoof wants you to compare the Rune Sample with the Broken Tablet.
Compare Runes with the Broken Tablet
Suggested Players [3]
Provided Item:
Rune Sample


We must find what's luring the giants northwest, so we can stop them before they reach their destination.

While the rune samples gave us some clues, the unknown runes worry me.

When I visited Giants' Run, I noticed a large broken tablet jutting from the ground where the northeastern part of the area met the snow at the foot of Frostblade Peak. Take this sample, compare the runes with the tablet, and see what you can learn about the identity of this lodestone.


Also, you get:5


Have you discovered what lodestone attracts the giants?


<Edan listens as you describe your findings.>

Megalith? A literal transcription from the tablet! This Megalith must be the centerpiece of the iron ones' mysterious plans.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20300 experience (1218at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Taunka



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