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1. March of the Giants
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March of the Giants

Researcher Aderan at Fort Wildervar wants you to use the Runeseeking Pick on the corpses of 4 Runed Stone Giants.
Runed Stone Giant Corpse Analyzed (4)
Suggested Players [2]
Provided Item:
Runeseeking Pick


To the east, at Giants' Run, rune-inscribed stone giants have started to migrate north toward Frostblade Peak. What their ultimate destination is, I do not know.

The glowing runes inscribed in the stone flesh of the giants guide them on their journey.

Use this pick to deactivate the runes on the giants' corpses and return with your findings.


Also, you get:5


What have you found?


<Researcher Aderan listens to your findings.>

The runes for "north" and "west" appeared multiple times? There's a highly reinforced command to move in that direction, but the runes are more than propulsion. Something is attracting them, but what?


Upon completion of quests, get:



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