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1. The Book of Runes
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The Book of Runes

Longrunner Pembe at Camp Winterhoof wants you to bring him The Book of Runes.
The Book of Runes


Chieftain Ashtotem dispatched me on a scouting mission to Giants' Run, a broad, rocky plateau to the southeast, past the Frozen Glade.

The area has been taken over by Iron Dwarves who seem to be altering the giants as they emerge from the earth.

The iron rune stonecallers and binders carry large tomes with them, which must contain the runes they're carving on the giants.

Capture the pieces of this book, assemble them, and bring it back to me. It's the only way we'll understand their plans.


Also, you get:470


Have you recovered the book?


<The longrunner browses the book of runes.>

I'm no loremaster, but I have some familiarity with the language of the Iron Dwarves. I think the runes they're carving on the giants are derived from their spoken language, but there are some differences.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Taunka



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