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3. Anguish of Nifflevar
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Anguish of Nifflevar

Thoralius the Wise wants you to search Nifflevar while you are in the spirit world and find information about the Secrets of Nifflevar.
Secrets of Nifflevar Uncovered
Provided Item:
Incense Burner


All that we know of the vrykul indicates that they only recently appeared in Northrend. Why, then, are we seeing vrykul in visions that date back 15,000 years? Surely if the vrykul had previously existed in Northrend we would have known.

You must press on to Nifflevar. To get there you must go northeast, through Wyrmskull Village, and take the path leading up through the dam. Nifflevar is on the bluffs of the fjord.

Use the incense burner once you arrive at Nifflevar and search the area for clues.


You can choose one of these awards:
Blauvelt's Special Occasion Gloves
Nimblefinger Scaled Gloves
Antique Reinforced Legguards
Imperious Worghide Cap


What have you discovered?


Human children born of vrykul? And Ymiron ordered the deaths of all human born offspring?

<Thoralius goes silent for a moment.>

As much as I wish to deny what is so plainly presented to me, I cannot. There is no extinct "missing link" to humans as the Explorers' League proposed. The vrykul are the missing link. They are the progenitors of humanity.


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