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5. Dragonflayer Battle Plans
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Dragonflayer Battle Plans

Vice Admiral Keller at Valgarde Port in the Howling Fjord has asked that you bring him the Dragonflayer Battle Plans.
Dragonflayer Battle Plans


While we were able to gather very little information as to the whereabouts of Ingvar, we do know that Yanis resides in a cave next to the worg pit inside Wyrmskull Village.

Intelligence gathered from the rescued soldiers indicates that Yanis guards Dragonflayer battle plans.

I need you to go back to Wyrmskull and recover those plans. Kill any vrykul that get in your way - including Yanis!


You can choose one of these awards:
Benevolent Hood
Blood-Stained Chain Leggings
Bone-Threaded Harness
Nerubian Inner Husk
Also, you get:440


Have you recovered the Dragonflayer battle plans?


<Vice Admiral Keller glances over the plans.>

Outstanding! By the looks of things, there are many more vrykul villages in the fjord. A different tribe of vrykul is preparing an assault on Westguard Keep. Hell, for all I know it may already be too late. We haven't heard from Westguard in days. Either way, we must alert Westguard!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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