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2. Guided by Honor
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Guided by Honor

Return the Sacred Artifact to Lord Irulon Trueblade at Valgarde.
Sacred Artifact
Provided Item:
Sacred Artifact


<Ares smiles.>

Glory to the Light. You have done it!

<Ares coughs.>

Take the artifact and return it to Valgarde. Lord Irulon Trueblade awaits its return.

Fight with honor, friend. Always. Honor.

<Ares dies.>


Also, you get:470


By the Light!


Many men and women died to recover this blade. Alas, I fear valiant Ares will not be the last.

But you do the Light's work, hero. This sacred blade will be wielded by Lord Tirion Fordring himself. Even now the Argent Crusade works toward Icecrown. Lord Fordring has vowed that he will tear down the walls of the cursed place himself! And with the blade, he just might stand a chance against the Lich King.

Lord Fordring remains our greatest hope.


Upon completion of quests, get:


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