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The Yeti Next Door

Foreman Colbey at Fort Wildervar wants you to defeat Shatterhorn.
Shatterhorn slain


Maybe if the sentries won't help me, you will? I'm the foreman of the mine just across the bridge. My men are mining ore for the weapons our expeditionary force will need to carve a path into the Grizzly Hills.

A giant yeti has invaded the mine, blocking the tunnel we need to expand! We've tried yelling at him and smoking him out, but nothing's worked.

Maybe you could rouse it from its sleep with a meal of meat from the frosthorn rams in the snowy areas around town? Please? We're desperate!


You can choose one of these awards:
Braxley's Backyard Moonshine
Gholamcloth Wrap
Appointed Scalemail Leggings
Inscribed Worghide Treads
Also, you get:470


You've done it? By the Light, you're a walking miracle! I was beginning to think I'd personally have to explain to Captain Adams why his men's weapons weren't ready in time!


Upon completion of quests, get:


Rating: +2 [-] [+]
By HUNGEONOS on 2015/08/04 (Patch 4.3.4)
Bugos, nem lehet megtámadni.
Rating: 0 [-] [+]
By Anonymous on 2015/09/30 (Patch 4.3.4)
Nem bugos.
Kicsit utána olvastál volna, nem írsz ilyen butaságot. "First you have to collect 4 Tough Ram Meat, then you can make a Giant Yeti Meal. Use the meal near this dude to wake him up and kill him."
Tehát először 4 kecske husit kell gyűjteni, aztán a többi jön rutinból.
Nem kéne mindent reflexből fikázni.
Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Trävis-Tauri on 2016/08/31 (Patch 4.3.4)
Bent van a barlangba amúgy a yeti.


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