And Then There Were Two...
Search the Utgarde Catacombs for Glorenfeld.Description
There's no sign of the cipher on Zedd. After carefully searching the area you discover some writing in the dirt:"Glor and Dae inside catacombs. Have cipher and tablets."
Perhaps you should head into the catacombs located just north of here and search for Glorenfeld and Daegarn. The bridge crossing the worg pit will lead you right to the tunnel leading down into the catacombs.
About bloody time! Pulroy and Zedd are dead.And Daegarn...
<Glorenfeld shakes his head.>
Taken by the Dragonflayer chieftain into the depths of these catacombs. I overheard that oversized mongrel mention something 'bout a sacrifice to the "Dread King."
The cipher is hidden away in Daegarn's grimy beard.
What? Dwarves hide things in their beards all the time!
Upon completion of quests, get:- 9500 experience (570at max. level)
- 150 Reputation withValiance Expedition