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2. The Walking Dead
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The Walking Dead

Slay 10 Deathless Watchers, 4 Fearsome Horrors, and 2 Putrid Wights. Afterward, inform Greatmother Ankha at Camp Winterhoof of your success.
Deathless Watcher slain (10)
Fearsome Horror slain (4)
Putrid Wight slain (2)


Your assistance to us has been tremendous, <name>, but there is something that is troubling me: these so-called Scourge.

The spirits of the land and air, the waters and the fire below the world, would not abide their presence, but seem to do nothing about them. We will see to it that they are dealt with!

Perhaps it is asking too much, but I would have you return west to Gjalerbron and destroy the unnatural Scourge in that vile lair. Be sure to check in the Waking Halls below Gjalerbron as well!


You can choose one of these awards:
Regal Pantaloons
Loam-Stained Greaves
Tribal Chestguard
Worgtooth Pendant
Also, you get:470


Have you destroyed the walking dead at Gjalerbron?


<The greatmother nods her approval of your actions.>

Thank you, <name>, you have done what is right and you have bought us a little more time to finish our preparations for leaving. We will soon make the journey north.

I am too old; when we go, I will not be able to carry everything with me. Would you like to take one of these?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Taunka


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