Gjalerbron Attack Plans
Deliver the Gjalerbron Attack Plans to Celea Frozenmane at Camp Winterhoof.Gjalerbron Attack Plans |
Gjalerbron Attack Plans |
These plans detail an imminent attack upon Camp Winterhoof. It would appear that the frost wyrm, Glacion, who circles overhead, is to be used for the offensive.Surely Celea Frozenmane would be of some assistance in this matter. Deliver the plans to her at the camp to the east.
Also, you get:5Progress
What?! Plans for an attack upon our camp?FROM A GREAT WYRM IN THE SKY?!!!
<name>, we cannot let this come to pass!Gains
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20300 experience (1218at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withThe Taunka