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2. Dealing With Gjalerbron
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Dealing With Gjalerbron

Chieftain Ashtotem has asked you to kill 15 Gjalerbron Warriors, 8 Gjalerbron Rune-casters, and 8 Gjalerbron Sleep-watchers. Afterward, return to him at Camp Winterhoof.
Gjalerbron Warrior slain (15)
Gjalerbron Rune-Caster slain (8)
Gjalerbron Sleep-Watcher slain (8)


My longrunners that have lived to return have informed me that the vrykul have awakened at their main fortress to the west.

It is a forbidden place known as Gjalerbron. The longrunners tell me that the vrykul are performing strange rituals.

We cannot allow this to continue.

Are you willing to continue to assist us? Will you kill the vrykul at Gjalerbron before they finish whatever they are doing and attack us here?


Also, you get:470


How is the fight at Gjalerbron coming?


You have my thanks, <name>. I know that you do not have any duty to me or my people.

What you say about that place troubles me still, and I sense that our culling is not quite at an end.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 20100 experience (126at max. level)
  • 250 Reputation withThe Taunka



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