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Stop the Ascension!

Present the Vrykul Scroll of Ascension near the Thane's Pyre to call him out and slay him. Afterward, due to the nature of the ritual, you're sure that Greatmother Ankha at Camp Winterhoof will be interested in seeing the scroll.
Halfdan the Ice-Hearted slain
Vrykul Scroll of Ascension
Provided Item:
Vrykul Scroll of Ascension


This huge scroll is made from dragon skin. Unfurling its more-than-ten-foot length, you can see that the images painted upon its scaly surface depict a mysterious vrykul ritual.

A vrykul thane, surrounded by angelic-looking beings, ascends into the heavens. A mysterious, darkened figure looms large in the picture's background.

A tingling in your gut tells you that the thane of Skorn is about to do this. You must stop it! A large pyre sits at the top of Skorn in front of the thane's lodge.


You can choose one of these awards:
Supple Doeskin Moccasins
Shock-Bound Spaulders
Onyx Grips
Rejuvenating Cord
Also, you get:10


Yes? How may I help you, child?


Yes, that is ominous-looking, and you obviously had the right of it.

Thank you for bringing this scroll to me. I will study its implications. If I were to hazard a guess, I would say that these vrykul have a way to transcend death; at least those that are worthy.

By defeating the Winterskorn thane, you proved him unworthy. Who knows what he would have become, and what terror he might have rained down upon us, had you not slain him?


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 25400 experience (1524at max. level)
  • 350 Reputation withThe Taunka



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