Gruesome, But Necessary
The Winterhoof Brave has asked you to use The Brave's Machete to dismember 20 Vrykul of the Winterskorn tribe at Skorn.Winterskorn Vrykul Dismembered (20) |
The Brave's Machete |
Our elders say that these vrykul may be able to rise from the dead; not unlike the walking dead you call the Scourge, but a different kind of undeath.We should not take any chances.
Here, take my machete. As we move through this place, carve up the remains of the vrykul that we slay.
I spent the morning sharpening it, so it should cleave even through their thick bones.
Also, you get:470Progress
These vrykul have strange customs, would you not agree, <name>?Completion
Have you done that before? Your skill with my machete seemed practiced.<The brave looks at you warily.>
I'll take it back from you now, <class>.
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20100 experience (126at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withThe Taunka