Leader of the Deranged
Slay Squeeg Idolhunter and then report back to Sapper Steelring at Westguard Keep.Squeeg Idolhunter slain |
So, I hate to say it, pal, but while you were out, the captain took a keener interest in that place.Looks like he wants my old Explorers' League boss in there dead. My guess would be that we're gearing up for an offensive to clear out the rest of them, and the captain wants their head lopped off, as it were.
Do me a favor? Head back into Whisper Gulch and put an end to Squeeg Idolhunter. From what I remember, my guess would be that he's in the cave in the northwest corner.
You can choose one of these awards:Wrathwrought Shoulderpads | Whispersteel Handguards | Feather-Lined Shoulderpads | Spiked Skullguard |
<The sapper grumbles as if he wishes that you hadn't succeeded.>The captain will be pleased to hear of your success.
You know, since you've been such a good sport in dealing with this Whisper Gulch business, why don't you take your pick of one of these?
Upon completion of quests, get:- 20100 experience (126at max. level)
- 250 Reputation withExplorers' League