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3. Test at Sea
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Test at Sea

Speak to Bat Handler Camille and take a riding bat to intercept the Alliance reinforcements. Once above their fleet, use the Plague Vials to infect 16 North Fleet reservists.
North Fleet Reservist Infected (16)
Plague Vials
Provided Item:
Plague Vials


We've just received word of reinforcements coming to the aid of the Alliance forces. Their timing couldn't be better!

We're in sore need of test subjects and these North Fleet reservists will do nicely!

Take these plague vials with you and speak to Camille, the Bat Handler. Tell her you need to commandeer a riding bat for a special assignment for us.

Once you're at sea, drop the vials on the reinforcement fleet. I can't wait to see the results!


You can choose one of these awards:
Frost-Trimmed Gauntlets
Azure Chain Hauberk
Ramshorn-Inlaid Shoulders
Runed Clamshell Choker
Also, you get:470


You're back!


Hmmphh.... the reports from the field are.... not encouraging!


Upon completion of quests, get:


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