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1. Cabal Orders
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Cabal Orders

Bring the Cabal Orders to Mekeda at the Refugee Caravan in the Bone Wastes.
Cabal Orders
Provided Item:
Cabal Orders


This message bears a dark seal and though the language seems somewhat familiar, it appears to be encoded.

Perhaps someone at the Refugee Caravan will know something about it.


You wish to show me something, <name>?


Ah, yes... this was written in a basic form of the shadow cypher. My knowledge of it is not perfect but it should suffice to translate this.

You learn much about unsavory subjects when you live among outcasts and refugees in the Lower City.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 5400 experience (324at max. level)
  • 75 Reputation withLower City


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