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4. Inform Leoroxx!
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Inform Leoroxx!

Speak with Leoroxx about what the Razaani ethereal are up to. He can be found at Mok'Nathal Village in the Blade's Edge Mountains.


Quickly, you must inform Leoroxx of what is transpiring up at Razaan's Landing!

Those orbs were comprised of souls, some of them Mok'Nathal!


What you say, is it even possible? What am I saying? Of course it is, if the spiritcallers say so.

Remember before when I said that we might need your further assistance? It would seem that I can tell the future.


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 1200 experience (72at max. level)


Rating: +1 [-] [+]
By Ethirion on 2015/03/05 (Patch 4.3.4)
Hiába kész a chain többi része ,ezt nem adja az npc és leoroxx ezután adna egy mésik chaint, így lehetetlen a többi bugosat is figyelembe véve a loremaster


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