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3. Gather the Orbs
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Gather the Orbs

Use the Orb Collecting Totem to collect 15 Razaani Light Orbs.
Razaani Light Orb collected (15)
Orb Collecting Totem
Provided Item:
Orb Collecting Totem


The Razaani ethereals have strange devices that emit small, pink floating light orbs. They remind me of souls.

They are not to be confused with the large yellow balls that break free of the ethereal when they die, these are something else entirely.

I'd like for you to head north to Razaan's Landing and drop some totems, which will attract the pink light orbs.

Bring them back to me so that I might determine exactly what they are.


Also, you get:370


Have you collected all of the Razaani Light Orbs that are needed?


Something does not feel right.

Please, <name>, hand me the totem. I must examine those orbs!


Upon completion of quests, get:
  • 11650 experience (699at max. level)


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